Haunted Heritage Tour Huge Success 
Nelson, BC – The Nelson Paranormal League was thrilled by the response to the Halloween weekend tour of the more colourful, and haunted history of Heritage Nelson. Four busses toured through Nelson, retracing the Resurrection Wagon Run, concluding with a late night drive through the City Cemetery.
“We sold out in record time”, says Serene Stewart, Nelson Paranormal League investigator, “People were phoning and begging for another bus to be added! I couldn’t believe the interest. This bodes very well for a repeat performance in the future”.
The local League comprised of Serene Stewart, Kevin Macintyre and Chris Holland, researched stories of Nelson’s history with the help of Shawn Lamb, Nelson Museum, archives, local library and Internet. “Once we got the word out there, the phone started ringing off the hook. So many people in this town have personal stories of hauntings, which they want to share. Many people said they had personal encounters with the paranormal, but no one to talk about it with. Some people were simply curious, others wanted proof, which we feel we might have gotten on our last stop,” states Stewart.
A digital picture, taken of the grave of Lydia and Fred Hume, shows signs of orbs; the term “orb” was coined back in 1996 with the development of digital technology. Photos and video taken during paranormal research showed a glowing ball or light that moved in an irregular pattern.
This picture was one of the last of the trip, taken as the group talked about Fred and Lydia Hume, a couple of the original pioneers of Nelson. Look at the right hand side above the gravestone, and a number of orbs can be seen. While these could be many things, including dust, pollen, water moisture and light reflection, the group is optimistic that the picture is evidence of the spectral presence felt by many on the tour. The photo has been submitted to the BC Ghosts and Hauntings Research Society (http://www.ghrs.org) for further analysis.
The Nelson Paranormal League is a volunteer organization, created to research and document paranormal activity in the Nelson area. Future plans include hands-on tours of haunted sites in Nelson and area. For more information, please call the Nelson Paranormal League at 505-5016.
Nelson, BC – The Nelson Paranormal League was thrilled by the response to the Halloween weekend tour of the more colourful, and haunted history of Heritage Nelson. Four busses toured through Nelson, retracing the Resurrection Wagon Run, concluding with a late night drive through the City Cemetery.
“We sold out in record time”, says Serene Stewart, Nelson Paranormal League investigator, “People were phoning and begging for another bus to be added! I couldn’t believe the interest. This bodes very well for a repeat performance in the future”.
The local League comprised of Serene Stewart, Kevin Macintyre and Chris Holland, researched stories of Nelson’s history with the help of Shawn Lamb, Nelson Museum, archives, local library and Internet. “Once we got the word out there, the phone started ringing off the hook. So many people in this town have personal stories of hauntings, which they want to share. Many people said they had personal encounters with the paranormal, but no one to talk about it with. Some people were simply curious, others wanted proof, which we feel we might have gotten on our last stop,” states Stewart.
A digital picture, taken of the grave of Lydia and Fred Hume, shows signs of orbs; the term “orb” was coined back in 1996 with the development of digital technology. Photos and video taken during paranormal research showed a glowing ball or light that moved in an irregular pattern.
This picture was one of the last of the trip, taken as the group talked about Fred and Lydia Hume, a couple of the original pioneers of Nelson. Look at the right hand side above the gravestone, and a number of orbs can be seen. While these could be many things, including dust, pollen, water moisture and light reflection, the group is optimistic that the picture is evidence of the spectral presence felt by many on the tour. The photo has been submitted to the BC Ghosts and Hauntings Research Society (http://www.ghrs.org) for further analysis.
The Nelson Paranormal League is a volunteer organization, created to research and document paranormal activity in the Nelson area. Future plans include hands-on tours of haunted sites in Nelson and area. For more information, please call the Nelson Paranormal League at 505-5016.